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Paid for by CSTF

You have a voice. Do the right thing, but WE DONT WANT TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Santa Rosa Speakout wants every student to know - telling isn't 'snitching'. Telling is when you need to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors or dangerous situations.

You will always stay 100% anonymous! No one will ask for your name or number. There is no caller I.D., no I.P. tracking, and no call recording. We only want the information that you have to provide so that we can help.

Afraid to call SpeakOut Hotline? Think someone else will probably call? Stand up and stay anonymous!

We need your help to improve your school and community. By calling, you can help stop a fight, stop a bully from torturing your classmate or stop a gang from recruiting a fellow teen. If you have information about the following topics, please call or visit our app. 

Speakout is not about money and rewards, it's about doing the right thing.  Unlike Crime Stoppers, SpeakOut does not pay monetary rewards. The goal of the program is to empower young people to positively affect their school and community through the anonymous reporting of criminal and just bad activity. SpeakOut Hotline was created to give students, adults, School Administration and Law Enforcement a voice in the fight against school violence and juvenile criminal activity. We are open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.


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When to Call

  • Weapons (guns,knives)
  • Drugs
  • Threats
  • Bullying
  • Theft
  • Fighting
  • Graffiti
  • Gang Activity

These are just a few examples. If you aren't sure that what you saw or heard is really a problem or a crime, call anyway. Let the police or school administration decide if it's worth investigating. It may be a piece of a clue to a big problem.